Operating Policies & Procedures Manual

 Silver Seven Hockey Club
Operating Policies & Procedures Manual

Off Season Programming
ANNEX C - On Ice Helpers
ANNEX D - Commitment Memento


These Operating Policies and Procedures are issued as per terms detailed inside the District 4 Constitution governing the operations of the Silver Seven Hockey Club and may add to, but not conflict with Rules, Regulations, and/or Codes of Discipline of any governing bodies (Hockey Canada, ODHA, ODMHA and District 4.). 


The Ottawa Valley Silver Seven (OVSS) as a Hockey Club of District 4 is mandated to oversee the competitive AA and A hockey program within District 4 of the Ottawa District Minor Hockey Association. 
The structure, power and duties of the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Executive and Board (from here forward referred to as “the Board” or “OVSS”) are established in the OVSS Constitution.


  • The board shall meet bi-monthly and host meetings as required. The Board meetings shall be communicated via email to each Board Member with a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice.
  • The Chair shall not vote except in the case of a tie. 
  • All votes shall be taken by a show of hands unless the use of ballot is requested by one or more members of the Board or the Chair.
  • Any member having a conflict of interest on a voting issue must declare their conflict for the record and must abstain from the vote.
  • Any board member receiving remuneration shall not be entitled to vote.
  • The Executive and Board may, by resolution, from time to time, appoint one or more persons as special officers (advisors) to the OVSS in recognition of their respective contributions to the OVSS and/or their ability to provide on-going advice and counsel to the Board by virtue of their experience.  Special officers shall be entitled to receive notice of and to attend all meetings of the Board but shall not be entitled to vote.   


Head Coaches are selected by the OVSS Coach Selection Committee and approved by the District 4 Board of Directors. Coaches are accountable to OVSS. 
The Coach Selection Committee will be formed and operate as per the Coach Selection Process.
The OVSS will solicit mid-season and year-end coach evaluations from players, parents and Coach Mentor.  The results of these evaluations will be shared with the Directors of Hockey and the Coach Mentor. A summary will be provided to the Head Coach. Final results will be provided to the Coach Selection Committee during coach selection processes. Results of the evaluations will not be shared with players or parents.
Selection of Assistant Coaches and Team Manager (Team Officials)
Coaches are encouraged to seek their own Assistant Coaches.  The OVSS will assist where necessary.  Parents of players trying out for the team cannot be approached until after the team has been finalized.
All appointments must be approved by the Board prior to confirmation.


The OVSS operates a minor/major system throughout the various age divisions as endorsed by Hockey Canada operating guidelines. As such, the OVSS operates under the premise that all players will play within their respective age group. (i.e.: a minor will play minor, a major will play major).


The Directors of Competitive Hockey Operations shall be appointed by the Board to act as the Team Liaison for one age group for the duration of the season.  The assigned Director will attend the first team meeting and serve as the team liaison to the OVSS Board.  See Team Liaison Duties and Agenda and Process for first team meeting (annexes).

General Time frames for Tryouts

For age groups where AAA exists (Major Pee Wee to Major Bantam) OVSS will endeavor not to begin tryouts for those age groups until such time as the AAA teams have finalized selection.  In the event of overlap, assignments will not be finalized until the AAA team roster has been confirmed. This will allow players trying out for AAA team an opportunity to be considered for OVSS teams. Players must attend a minimum of two tryout times with OVSS for consideration.

Release to Other Club for Tryout
All players MUST tryout for the levels OVSS offers for the season. Players released from OVSS tryouts may contact their local Home Association President with regards to tryouts for other clubs offering the same levels.


Team Composition

All teams of the OVSS must carry a complement of 17 players and the Board must approve any deviation from the following numbers: 9 forwards, 6 defense, 2 goalies. 
Minor and Major Midget teams may, with OVSS approval, be permitted to carry a roster of up to 19 players.

Player Selection Process

The OVSS will conduct a tryout process on an annual basis.
All coaches must follow the OVSS player selection process and use the player evaluation criteria as prescribed by the Board.
Coaches are not permitted to organize tryout sessions or exhibition games outside of the Board established process without prior approval from the President.
OVSS player evaluation materials must be completed by all coaches and retained until November 1st.
Balancing of two (2) teams in one age group and division will be conducted in accordance with Annex B.

Player Registration

Players must be registered with their Home Association and be members in good standing; prior to the first tryout with OVSS.
Once players have been registered on an OVSS team they are not permitted to play below the level they are registered to i.e. AA cannot move down to play A.
Once players are registered on a OVSS team they may not be released without the approval of the President & notification to the district registrar and the home association.


Player Use

The OVSS philosophy is to develop and play everyone on each team as fairly as possible throughout the season. It must be understood that fair ice time does not imply equal ice time.

Coaches must treat each player in a fair manner and enable the players to feel they are contributing to the team. Only through adherence to this policy will players be afforded the opportunity to develop confidence through exposure to various game situations.

Please see the Ice Policy for further details.
Adherence to these policies will be monitored closely by the assigned Director of Hockey Operations and all complaints will be investigated and addressed as required with the team officials.  Violations may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal of team officials.


Team affiliation provides teams with additional players to call upon when regular team members are unavailable to play.  In addition, affiliation affords players the opportunity to play at a higher caliber/age level.  To ensure that players are affiliating to the highest level of development, the OVSS will complete affiliation lists by mid-November.  

No coach is permitted to contact a player for affiliation to S7 without prior approval from the President. All affiliation requests may only begin after local Tier 3 / Rep B teams have completed their tryout process.

All initial affiliation requests will be President to President, after affiliation paperwork is complete and processed, S7 Head Coaches will work directly with local Tier 3/Rep B Head Coaches seeking permission each & every time.

Silver Seven is designated the "19 Player Affiliation" system.
OVSS does not support teams playing with reduced rosters when a regular team member is unavailable.  Head coaches are expected to make every effort to call up affiliated players (following OVSS call up procedures) to ensure that the team is playing with a full roster in accordance with the ODMHA playing rules. 
OVSS does not support teams calling up players when there are no missing/injured/ill players.
Affiliation is not to be used for disciplining regular team members.
Coaches of AA teams must first consider their A team (where it exists) then the younger AA affiliate for player movement and selection.  Where A teams do not exist, coaches should first consider Rep B teams then the younger AA affiliates. When affiliating players from Rep B, coaches are encouraged to place priority on those players that participated in OVSS tryouts and were subsequently reassigned. 
All OVSS team are encouraged to invite affiliate players to practice each month, even if the affiliate is not used in a game.  Having affiliated players participate in team practices on a regular basis provides development opportunities and ensures that affiliated players are knowledgeable and in tune with a team’s routines, playing tactics, and personnel. 
The assigned Director of Competitive Hockey Operations will monitor all affiliation and team activity reports.


Players trying out for OVSS must:
  • be a resident of District 4
  • be registered with the local member hockey association of District 4 and
  • have completed and submitted the Tryout Registration form and
  • paid the try out fee in full
  • All players will tryout at their appropriate age level.
  • Each player will receive a minimum of two (2) tryout sessions unless, in the opinion of the teams’ head coaches, the players’ safety may be jeopardized in which case a refund of the tryout fee will be issued. A player who misses a tryout can be released after one tryout and will not be issued a refund
  • All tryout sessions are mandatory.  All absences must be reported to the OVSS President or the player will be considered as having withdrawn from tryouts.   
  • Each player will receive a tryout jersey.
Registration Fees: Player registration fees and OVSS operating expenses will be established by the OVSS on an annual basis based on recommendations from the OVSS Treasurer.
The OVSS Treasurer will establish a fee collection schedule for the payment of registration fees which will be reviewed by the OVSS Board on an annual basis.
The payment of OVSS registration fees is the responsibility of each player/family. 
The OVSS Treasurer will provide a Team Budget template to the coaches which will be pre-populated with mandated non-discretionary expenses deemed necessary by the OVSS for the operation of all OVSS teams. 
Each Head Coach will draft a proposed team budget using the prescribed OVSS Team Budget template for approval by the President. Budget to be presented to the full team parent group at the first official team meeting after team selection. Any additional expenses considered exceptional will be posted prior to tryouts.
Approval of the team budget obligates the player/family to the payment of team fees.  These fees can be offset by fundraising/sponsorships.
Proposed changes to approved team budgets may be made throughout the season provided that: the liaison is present to conduct a vote during a team meeting, and that 75% approval is reached. 
Team managers are responsible for financial reporting to OVSS, and to the team parents:
Beginning of the Season
Holiday Break in December
End of Season
Deviations (more than 10% variance) from the original approved budget must be brought to the attention of the parents and the team liaison immediately.
Should a surplus of funds remain in the team account at the end of the season, the money is to be divided equally and returned to the team parents (assuming equal participation in all events) by May 15.
Final Team Financial Reports must be submitted to OVSS Treasurer by May 31 (unless an extension is requested and approved by the OVSS Treasurer)


OVSS will provide the non-parent Head Coaches with an honorarium payable in four installments dated, these fees are billed back to the team:
Head Coach - $5000 per season
Payment Structure:
Season Start - $1000
November - $1000
January - $1000
February - $1000
Season End $1000

The fees above include the honorarium for coaching and all tournament expenses for hotels, mileage and meals.
The team shall provide to the non-parent head coach:
Travel costs: Supported by receipts (gas or car rental) to be submitted to Team Manager for reimbursement, to a maximum of $150 per tournament.
Accommodations: To be supplied by team in same location as the team is in accommodations, dual occupancy.
Tournament Meal Allowance: Per day of travel/game play: $50 per day for Head Coach
Non-parent head coaches with non-parent assistant coaches are to disburse the above honorariums and expenses payments.
The maximum number of out-of town tournaments that a non-parent head coach may book without the consensus of parents and Director of Hockey Operation: three (3). Unexpected tournament advancement may occur, to be reviewed case-by-case by the President and the Director of Hockey Operations.
The honorarium, travel expense and kilometric rates will be reviewed and approved annually by the OVSS Board. For Tier 1 hockey teams, up to 4 out-of town tournaments may be booked and the fee may be raised accordingly.


The OVSS governs all fundraising activities and the policy is administered by each Team Manager and overseen by the assigned Director of Hockey.
OVSS does not permit players to solicit money on street corners or other areas that may be dangerous to their safety.
All monies raised through fundraising must be recorded in the team financial reports. Fundraising monies shall go directly to the team and any surplus can be reimbursed equally to parents at the end of the season.
It is the responsibility of the Team Manager, or in the absence of a Team Manager, the Head
Coach, to inform parents of any fundraising activity.
Fundraising activities must be approved by the OVSS President and needs to be communicated to the Director of Administration as we contact the local community for approval to ensure we are not fundraising in conflict at the same time as a local team.
Examples of approved fundraising activities include:
Bottle drive
Pumpkin Drive
Hockey Pool
Football Pool
50/50 ticket sales
Selling of calendars, cookies etc.
9.1 Sponsorship
OVSS encourages teams to offset costs by obtaining sponsorship.

Provision is made for two types of sponsorship: Team Sponsors and Player Sponsors. All sponsorship cheques must be made payable to OVSS.

Team Sponsors

A team sponsor may be a corporation or organization that provides funding for the “Team”.
This funding is to be disbursed equally amongst the players’ account. The Team is responsible for recognizing the sponsor’s contribution.
Corporate or public business sponsorships are not returned to team parents at the end of the season.  Excess sponsorship funds remaining in a team account at year end that is not required to support team year-end activities, will be distributed based on a 75% team vote back to the sponsor, or to the OVSS Club.

Player Sponsorship

Players may seek individual sponsorship to offset their fees.
Players may recognize the sponsor via a sponsor bar on their jersey:.
The player is responsible for any other recognition is the responsibility of the player (for example, sponsor plaque).

Sponsor Bars

  • One sponsor bar per jersey
  • Sponsor bar placement at bottom of jersey
  • Sponsor bar in approved colors/size to match their Home/Away jersey



As player selection for a Silver Seven team is done through a voluntary tryout process, the OVSS will not review non-medical related requests for refunds (except for transfers/moving out of district, moves to AAA only).
All medical related requests for refunds must be in writing and accompanied by a doctor's note. 
The OVSS will only consider medical related refunds for season ending injury or illness.  There will be no refunds or pro-rated games played refunds for partial injury or illness.
A player who suffers a season ending injury or illness supported by a doctor’s note before November 15 will be issued a 50% refund less: 1) Hockey Canada Insurance Fees, 2) Admin fee of $150.00.  No medical related refunds will be issued after December 15th.
Refunds for transfers/moving out of District 4 or players moving to AAA hockey will be based on the registration fee less: 1) Hockey Canada Insurance Fees, 2) Admin fee of $150.00, then 3) prorated yearly fee. 


Coaching staff, team officials, and the athletes represent District 4 of the ODMHA, its’ member Associations and OVSS.  As such they are expected to set a high standard of personal conduct as a role model to the athletes. This applies both to on-ice and off-ice behaviour as a sportsman with and ambassador for the OVSS. 
All team officials and players must adhere to the OVSS Code of Conduct upon selection, available on our website.
The ODMHA Code of Discipline also serve as terms of reference for the team officials of the OVSS.  


In keeping with Hockey Canada recommendations, all team officials (including but not necessarily limited to coaches, trainers, managers), and any others, who, through their duties on behalf of the OVSS, may work directly with children and adolescents, must undergo a criminal record check every two years.


The OVSS Executive and D4 Board will determine the OVSS logo, branding and marketing. 
The OVSS logo is the private property of the S7 Hockey Club. The logo and the “Ottawa Valley Silver Seven” name may be used on products, jackets other garments and written or printed materials only with prior written approval of the Board of Directors through the President.
Our preferred supplier has the approved logo available and their products are available for purchase.
The approved colors for all S7 Club purposes are: “black, grey and white”. All authorized use of the OVSS name and logo will also reflect this color policy. Teams may only use jerseys provided by the organization and socks of the approved design and material. Rare exceptions may be permitted with prior Board of Director approval.


The OVSS will purchase and provide each team with one set of home and away jerseys in the official OVSS colors, one set of home & away sock and one set of pant shells.  The jerseys and pant shells will remain the property of the OVSS and shall be retained at the end of the season.
Each player is required to purchase whatever equipment is not supplied so as to coordinate all teams within the OVSS in similar attire.  Helmets must be black, and gloves must be predominately Black in color to coordinate with OVSS team colors.
Sweaters, jackets and crests bearing the name and in the colors of OVSS must conform to the approved pattern as designated by the OVSS Executive and D4 Board.
Name bars are provided annually by our preferred supplier, black on white writing for Home jerseys, and white on black writing for Away jerseys.
Name bars are to be placed at the top of the sweater.
Only C’s and A’s provided by the OVSS club may be used.
Sponsor Recognition (sponsor bars) on Equipment:
Placed at the bottom of the sweater, must be hand-sewn for easy removal – never ironed.
Teams and players are responsible for the care and maintenance of jerseys throughout the season
Players must have a garment bag to transport jerseys to and from the rink and jerseys must not be stuffed in hockey bags
Team managers are responsible to ensure/enforce that all OVSS Players respect the garment bag policy. 
Failure to abide by any of the above will result in the team forfeiting the equipment deposit.
Team management is responsible for the return of all equipment to the Equipment Director by the end of the playing season but no later than April 30 (includes jerseys, trainer kits, etc…) or the team will forfeit the equipment deposit.


Players who represent the OVSS must attend games in proper attire as determined at the first team meeting after the teams are formed. This may include a shirt & tie properly worn (i.e. "shirt tucked in, tie tied properly"), with dress pants or casual pants or rugby/polo shirt and casual pants and their team jacket, or team track suit and appropriate footwear to and from ALL games.  Jeans are not deemed appropriate attire for games.
Team Officials, including Head Coach and Assistant Coaches, who represent the OVSS must attend games in proper attire. This may include a shirt & tie properly worn (i.e. "shirt tucked in, tie tied properly"), with dress pants or casual pants (excluding jeans) and their team jacket with the OVSS logo and appropriate footwear to and from all games. Jeans and baseball caps are not deemed appropriate attire for games and are not permitted.
Trainers may optionally, due to their duties, wear a clean OVSS approved track suit. 


All OVSS teams will play in the AA/A Ottawa East Minor Hockey League (OEMHL). 
The OVSS will field teams at AA and A from Minor Atom (age 9) to Major Midget (16-17 year olds) in all divisions as determined by the District 4 Board of Directors.


OVSS teams are permitted to enter a total of five (5) tournaments including those sponsored by the OVSS.  A maximum of three (3) out-of-district tournaments are permitted.  This does not include Provincial, Regional or National Championship play downs.
If a coach wishes to enter more than five tournaments or attend more than three out-of-town events, they must receive approval from the OVSS Executive and Board.  Before considering extra tournaments, approval must be sought by the team and voted on with a 75% approval rate.
In the event that a team attends a Provincial Championship, the OVSS may make funds available to help offset costs, each request is reviewed case-by-case.


Ice assigned to the OVSS by District 4 will be allocated to OVSS teams in a fair and equitable manner throughout the regular season. A master schedule will be prepared and copies will be provided to each team coach and manager.

OVSS does not allow ice times prior to a 6 PM weekday start due to the distance to travel in the district of available arenas. Under no circumstances are teams to run practices or skills weekdays before school.
The coach and the team manager are responsible to ensure that ice that has been scheduled / allotted to the team has been used. When a team is not able to make use of the assigned ice, every effort should be made to exchange practice ice with other Silver Seven teams. If this is not possible then teams may only sell/trade ice with other OVSS teams.
Failure to play a scheduled league game can result in not only the forfeiture of the game but also additional sanctions/ suspensions of team officials.
Teams may purchase additional ice over and above the team allotment at the team’s expense provided funds are available in the team budget.
Team officials are responsible for ensuring dressing rooms and common areas are inspected for damage prior to taking possession and for ensuring those areas are left clean and undamaged after team use.


All correspondence purporting to represent the views and/or interest of the OVSS must be approved by the OVSS President prior to dispatch.  In the event of a game protest, the OVSS President must be advised of circumstances and content of, for approval, prior to submission.
A player/parent wishing to correspond with the OVSS Board must do so through the Team Liaison.   

19. Off Season Programming

The OVSS does not host or support any off season programming. Any named coaches hosting ice times have been advised the program is not endorsed. If OVSS players are invited to participate, the program should remain optional and any players choosing not to participate shall not be penalized at tryouts.


The liaison from the OVSS Board must be in attendance at the first team meeting and will act as the meeting chairperson. 
The agenda may be expanded upon by the coach to cover items other than what is listed in this document however, as a minimum the topics listed below must be addressed.
Liaison opens meeting
Coach introduces himself, welcomes parents, outlines expectations for the season
Coach presents and details the budget. 
Coach answers questions and discussion on matters relating to the budget. Any necessary changes are made immediately.
Important Notes: 
Parents only get to vote on or propose changes to non-discretionary budget items.  The items listed in red font on the budget template are expenditures and/ or fees mandated by the OVSS Executive and Board for all Silver Seven teams. 
Changes to the budget may be made later in the season provided that: 1) the liaison is present to conduct a vote during a team meeting, and  2) that 75% approval  is reached.
Tournaments:  OVSS coaches are permitted to select 5 tournaments (maximum of 3 out of town and 2 in town) at their discretion.  Parents do not get to vote on or propose changes to the tournaments selected by the coach unless the travel time to participate in the tournament exceeds 8 hours.  A coach may propose to attend a 4th out of town tournament should there be no local tournaments to attend however, it must: 1)  be voted on by the parent group with 75% approval, and 2) be approved by the OVSS Board.
Recommendation is made from the coach for a proposed manager and/or nominations are accepted from the group.
The liaison outlines the responsibilities and solicits names of volunteers for the position.
Team Treasurer – Responsible to collect fees from parents, keep accurate records of revenue and expenses and prepare a report by the 5th of each month for the team Manager to review and submit to the OVSS treasurer along with any payments due to the GRMH. The team manager will provide a copy of this financial statement to the parents each month.  At the end of the season finalize the team account and provide the OVSS Treasurer with a final report by April 30.
Each OVSS team must name a representative to act as the team’s representative on the Silver Seven Public Relations Committee. 
The liaison outlines the responsibilities and solicits names of volunteers for the position. 
Responsibilities for the public relations rep are:
To help gather news items from their team for the Silver Seven website
To help with picture day in November and with the banquet in April
To help arrange and organize the team purchase of OVSS apparel (coats, hats, track suits, etc)
Coach or the new manager may solicit volunteers to act as minor officials and/or volunteers for other team positions.
Other topics may be covered by the Coach or team staff.


Silver Seven Minor Atom A tryouts
There will be two distinct and separate stages to the tryouts for selection of the Silver Seven Minor Atom A teams.
Stage One – Selection of Silver Seven Minor Atom A Players
The purpose of Stage One will be to determine the Minor Atom A players that will play for Silver Seven during the upcoming hockey season.  In particular, the two Minor Atom A Head Coaches and their approved evaluators will select the top 4 goalies, top 12 defense and top 18 forwards i.e. 30 skaters.  Stage One will be run in accordance with our Tryout Guidelines except that by the end of Stage One the two head coaches will have reached a consensus on the top 30 skaters and 4 goalies but they will not yet have determined which players will be on which Silver Seven Minor Atom A team.  Within Stage One there will be two phases, just like there are for every other age group.
Phase 1 – covers tryouts up to the first reassignment of players back to their home association.  This phase includes a goalie specific session, a skill session and one inter-squad game.
Phase 2 – Players not reassigned back to their home association during Phase 1 will proceed to Phase 2 which consists of two additional inter-squad games and one exhibition game.  Following these ice times the final reassignments will occur.
In summary players will be informed on or before the end of Stage One that they have been reassigned back to their home association (where they have the option of either trying-out for Rep B or playing House League) or that they have been selected to play for the Silver Seven. Once the players have been selected to be with OVSS they will not be officially assigned to either of the Silver Seven teams until after a series of inter-squad/exhibition games and/or practice ice times have been completed.
Stage Two – Assignment of Players to the two Minor Atom A Teams
The purpose of Stage Two is to divide the selected Minor Atom A players between our two teams.  Impartial evaluators selected by the OVSS Executive will assess the skills of all of the selected players followed by a draft that will assign the players to their respective team for this season.  The goal is have the two teams as balanced as possible at the beginning of the season.  That of course does not guarantee that the teams will remain balanced throughout the season as teams all progress/develop differently. This entire process will be completed under the direct guidance of the assigned Director of Hockey.
While players will be placed on a team for Stage Two that does not mean that they will be on that team, with that coach, for the season.  Players may be rotated between teams throughout Stage Two as the evaluators consider the strengths and weaknesses of all of the players.  The players will be “officially” notified byOVSS through their team Liaison when they have been assigned to either the Black or White Silver Seven Minor Atom A team for the upcoming season.  Note: THIS PROCESS WILL REQUIRE SEVERAL ICE SESSIONS.
When coaches are selecting the players for the teams there will be no consideration based on region i.e. two players may live on the same street/go to the same school but may be selected to play for different Silver Seven Minor Atom A teams – note: this is no different than any other Silver Seven teams.  However, the Silver Seven Board may make special consideration for those players who reside in rural areas who make a request to play on same team by the first ice session of Stage Two.  The Board will review special requests and render decisions on a case by case basis.

ANNEX C - On Ice Helpers

Team officials are to utilize sound judgment when selecting a young person as an on-ice helper. These decisions must be made from a developmental and supportive perspective.
We want these “helpers” to provide assistance to the other team officials, while gaining knowledge and experience of a teaching type role. This is not designed as an opportunity for players to get extra ice time. Not just a puck shuffler!

 Individuals that volunteer within an association must be either;
◦ a “registered” member of a Minor Hockey Association
◦ a “registered” member of a Junior Hockey League
◦ an on-ice official
◦ This ensures that the insurance coverage has been secured

Individuals may volunteer with a team during practices. They may only be
demonstrators/helpers and are not to partake in any scrimmages as a player would.

 Players that volunteer must be at minimum, one age division higher than the team which
they are volunteering with.
 Players are not permitted to volunteer, as an on-ice helper, with a team at the same or
higher division.
 Players that volunteer must wear full gear if they are 16 or under.
 Individuals, who are not registered team officials, and who are 16 years of age or older
must attend the Speak Out Clinic.

◦ All team players must wear full gear for all games and practices with their own team.

Of note -
- no keepaway games stealing the puck from younger players
- no shots to the goalie's head

ANNEX D - Commitment Memento

Players in OVSS completing 5 seasons with a year in the Midget program will receive a custom Ottawa Valley Silver Seven watch.

Players must have demonstrated commitment through adherence to the Code of Conduct, Policies and Operating Procedures and also through their words and actions both on and off the ice as Ambassadors of the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven club.

Players must be in good standing with OVSS and their home association.


Version Control
 Version Control  Date  Author  notes
 1.0  August 1st, 2013  S. Malloy Final Draft for Publication
 1.1  September 2nd, 2013  J. Bertrand  Added clarity to fundrasiing & sponsorships.
 1.2  September 5, 2013  S. Malloy  Additional AP information.
 1.3  September 12, 2013  S. Malloy  Additional on-ice helpers information.
 1.4  April 12, 2014  S. Malloy  Addition: Committment Memento
 1.5  June 10, 2015  S. Malloy  Addition: contact Dir of Admin for approval to fundraise in local community to ensure no conflicts
 1.6  June 22, 2015  S. Malloy  Additional calrity on AAA tryouts, playesr must attend 2 ovss tryouts and release note.
 1.7  August 8, 2015  S. Malloy  Updated Sponsorship
 1.8  February 4, 2019  S. Malloy  Updated player use section to refer to ice policy.
 1.9  August 19, 2019  S. Malloy  Updates -
 Section 8: changing coach honorarium
 Section 17: no ice before school
 Section 19: off season programming