Coach: Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Preamble

Due to the competitive environment created by sport, an atmosphere of negative behaviour/conduct can occur from time to time.  As members of the Ottawa Silver Seven Hockey Club (OVSS) all of our parents, players, coaches and volunteers are reminded that any breach of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary measures being taken.  As an Executive, we strive to maintain a high level of professionalism and respect within our Association and as such, we take a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any conduct deemed unbecoming of an OVSS member.

As a result, the OVSS Executive retains the right to sanction disciplinary measures against anyone who violates any code of conduct policy or otherwise acts in a manner that is deemed to be unacceptable or in direct contrast to any of the core values and positive playing environment we are striving to create.  These noted disciplinary sanctions can include (but are not limited to) coach/parent/player suspensions, restrictions from the lobby area and/or other areas of the facility in which the OVSS has rented for use.  This can also include the viewing /audience area (both ice pads if applicable), canteen, parking lot etc.   Further sanctions can include outright suspension from any venue or building being utilized for an OVSS sanctioned event.

The OVSS Executive will implement (if applicable) a progressive discipline policy.  Although the degree of discipline will vary from incident to incident depending on the particulars of the violation, punishment will increase in length and severity should repeat offences occur.   As an example a first offence violation may result in a one-month suspension, a second offence may carry a 3-6 month suspension and a third offence may result in a lifetime revocation of membership with the OVSS Association.
The OVSS Executive reserve the right to issue any sanction(s) deemed reasonable to one of its members given the totality of the circumstances of the violation committed.

All of our membership is reminded that being a part of the OVSS Association is a privilege and not a right.   Please ensure that you conduct yourself in a manner that is reflective of the positive atmosphere we are striving to create.   You are not only viewed as an individual but also as an OVSS member, please carry yourselves accordingly and exercise due diligence in promoting a fun, healthy and professional environment that can be enjoyed by all.

Coach Code of Conduct

As a coach and/or team official in the Silver Seven Hockey Association I agree to adopt and abide by the
following Coaches Code of Conduct. I fully understand that breaching this Code in any manner or fashion
could result in a penalty as severe as the termination of my coaching duties for the remainder of the

I will respect and adhere to all ideals, policies and rules sanctioned by the Silver Seven HockeyAssociation.

I will ensure that I have completed all the required coaching Levels and courses applicable to the
the position being sought.

I will strive to exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork and positive re-enforcement at all

I will always respect the rules of the game, my opponents, the on ice officials and their decisions.

I will be accountable for and control the behaviour of my players and my coaching staff, when necessary
within arena facilities and at tournaments/team events to the best of my abilities.

I will refrain from using foul language toward players, opponents, other coaches, or on-ice officials.

I will show respect at all times for the feelings and abilities of my players and the players on the other

I will not tolerate any unacceptable conduct from my players and/or coaching staff within the dressing
rooms, at the players’ bench, on the ice surface, or at team tournaments/events

I will organize practices that are fun and challenging for my players.

I will create a positive environment during team events that will promote an atmosphere conducive to learning and developing the game of hockey.

I will not ask anything of my players, other coaches, executive and parents that I would not ask
and expect of myself.

I will keep lines of communication open with parents, players and the Executive.

I will be a positive role model to my players and conduct myself in a professional manner at all times.

I will be generous with my praise when it is deserved and will be constructive with my feedback when

I will strive to be consistent, honest, fair and just.

I will ensure that all players get equal instruction, support and fair playing time when warranted.

I will commit to developing each and every player to the best of my ability.

I will maintain self-control at all times.

Coaches Signature:_________________________________
